ThinkPad USB 3.0高级扩展坞,THINK首款为用户提供4K2K视频输出产品,3840X2160支持,HDMI全高清支持,二路USB电源输出端口,千兆网卡,耳机麦克风接口,商务典范,一线即连。 正品行货,店铺质保,THINK客户服务电话4001006000
Windows Vista–Windows XP (32bit):https://pan.baidu.com/s/1hcxWflMEGe0tIbnkKMwlrA
Mac系统:Mojave 10.14: 苹果系统10.14驱动.zip (下载2815)
High Sierra 10.13–Sierra 10.12–El Capitan 10.11: High Sierra 10.13--Sierra 10.12--El Capitan 10.11.zip (下载2361)
ubuntu16.04—-18.04: Ubuntu.zip (下载2346)
The ThinkPad USB 3.0 Ultra Dock is an universal USB docking solution that not only delivers a premium display experience (up to 4k2k resolution via DP port), but also provides
quick and easy connection to all the workspace peripherals you use every day. Simply plug in a single USB 3.0 cable into your Lenovo PC for instant access to up to two
external monitors, USB ports, Gigabit Ethernet, headphones/speakers, USB printers, scanners, keyboard, mouse and so on for daily use. The Dock can also charge your mobile
devices via two USB always power on ports.